Starting Fees​ - Routine Process Service/Court Filing (1-7 Days)
Riverside County - $69 (Excluding Hemet, San Jacinto)
Desert Cities - $80
​San Bernardino County - $79
Los Angeles - $79
Orange County - $79
San Diego - $105
Northern California - $125.00
Out of state - $250
Additional fees
Additional Defendants at same address - Add half of Starting Fee, for Each Additional Defendant/Witness (Example: Riverside - First Defendant $69, Second Defendant $34.50 total $103.50)
Notarized Affidavit/Proof of Service - $15 per signature
Rush Service (1-3 Days) - $35
Priority Service (Same Day Service) - $150
Electronic Filing Proof of service - $35 + Admin Fees (Charged by the Court)
Service by Appointment (A Specific Time and Date to Serve your Documents) - $150
Stakeout - $75 per Hour waited at address
Money Advanced (Witness Fees) - 10% of Money advanced (Example: Advancing a fee of $15.00 will incur a fee of $1.50, for a total of $16.50)
Other Services
E-Filing - $35 per Case (On approved Courts)
Skip Tracing - $75 Per Search (Info to assist for more accurate search: DOB, Social Security #, Prior Address)